Once you’ve selected your strategies in C2 and setup autotrading, you will need to link your account in Tradovate and give C2 permission to trade.
To enable this feature, first navigate to Application Settings.
Under the Accounts tab, choose Grant Permissions.
Then enter C2’s information. The name should be “Collective Two” and the email address should be “autotrade@collective2.com”.
Then click Grant Permission. Tradovate will send you a notification letting you know that your trading permission request has been received and is being processed. Once successfully reviewed, and given that proper documentation has been submitted, Tradovate will approve your request. Once fully approved, Tradovate will send a notification confirming that your account is set up for trading with C2.
To ensure that you receive accurate balance updates, it is advised that you also subscribe to the appropriate Market Data subscriptions needed to view the products traded by the C2 system.
*Please note, a $.25/side Order Routing Fee applies to C2 connections.