Drawing Tools




  • Cathyharbour

    I also would like a shaded rectangle and an extending rectangle  to draw levels across the charts.

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  • Tareq

    Would it be possible to implement a horizontal line tool that goes across the entire chart at the clicked price level and continues as the chart updates? Thanks. 

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  • Robert Spencer

    I would like to see the ability to draw boxes, and to have the ability to have them filled with color in the background or not filled with color. While your at it add Ellipses also, I'm sure some would use those as well. 

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  • Jason Dinkel

    Do we have a thread with anybody that would like to see Median Lines  (Andrews, Schiff, Modified Schiff, Inside Schiff) aka Pitchforks available on the platform?

    They are available on TradingView (which is now integrated with Tradovate), but TradingView doesn't allow tick/trade charts (although recently they added sub-minute charts as a premium feature).

    John Ftseman example on a 377 trade chart (SierraChart): https://youtu.be/cRNsV0bzpsM

    Tim Morge example from a CME video: https://youtu.be/kljVx7pBg5E

    Johnny Nguyen has a nice video showing how easy it is to draw them on TradingView: https://youtu.be/Beuhb_kfi1o


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  • Naresh

    I am looking for this too.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Tareq, if you double click on the line and open the line editor and check the box "A ray?" it continues going out to the right even as the chart updates.  Can you confirm this is what you are looking for?

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  • Tareq

    That's it-thank you very much!

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  • Cathyharbour

    Also please and indicator that automatically plots the big figure prices - the 50's and 00's.  Would need to be able to be customized so that for instance on gold you could mark out the 10 levels - 1260, 1270, 1280 etc.

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  • Permanently deleted user


    In our next release you will be able to select a rectangle drawing tool from the Drawing Tools menu on the chart:

    Once selected, click once to set the start point, click again to set the end point:

    Double click on the rectangle border to bring up a configuration modal where you will be able to change fill color and opacity, border colors and styling:

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  • Permanently deleted user

    In our upcoming release we will be adding the ellipse tool.  The shapes will be moved to a menu section. 

    Drawing and adjusting the colors for the ellipse will work just as they do for the rectangle tool.


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Added Customizable Fibonacci levels to the last release

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  • Jason Dinkel

    Sierra chart allows any number of median lines to be added to a fork (warning lines they are called).

    Tradingview doesn't allow this so you have to use a channel tool to do the extensions. Also it's not easy to switch the forks to dashed lines or change the line thickness. Only the color can be changed quickly.

    I'd love to see forks available on the tick chart inside the tradovate web platform with an easy system for coloring them and make them easy enough to apply on a very small time scale so that there is no fumbling around when day trading.

    For example, rather than use a popup for the properties window (as we do today with all tools), let's consider having a popout properties tool that updates whenever the drawing object is selected. This way, it can be set next to the chart window or on another monitor. If I click a fibonacci drawing, I can then see the fib properties and modify them. If I click a fork drawing, I can see the fork properties. No need to double click, have the properties window float/dock/popup/popout.

    Second thing... Rather than providing a toolbar that is fixed, allow the user to move the icons around how they want in their dock. Have a look at how elegant miro.com does this: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017730553-Toolbar

    Third thing.... add a command line window (like google cloud shell) to the tradovate interface. I'd like to be able to write scripts/commands and run them like shell scripts - ad-hoc as needed. Thinking about how to give users a tutorial for trading using the simulator and showing them where to click or what command to run to change the interface/buy/sell/draw/get values/etc... Google does this really well with simple markdown documents: https://cloud.google.com/shell/docs/tutorials

    Really nice platform you guys have here. Looking forward to seeing it evolve.

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