Win Rate in Performance Report does not calculate correctly - formula needs to use # of winning contracts vs # of losing contracts, NOT # of winning trades vs # of losing trades
AnsweredI would be very grateful if the developer could change the win rate calculation in the performance report.
Win rate is currently being calculated using number of winning trades vs number of losing trades. This does not work correctly when trading multiple contracts because of the exchange matching system.
For example, one long with 10 contracts could be matched with 3 short sellers (5 shorts, 3 shorts, 2 shorts).
In the report performance this 10 contract long would be recorded as 3 trades. However this is 1 trade. For this reason, the win rate is calculated incorrectly.
For the win rate to be calculated correctly, the formula needs to use number of winning vs number of losing contracts and NOT number of winning vs number of losing trades.
Thank you
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