DOM zoom in/out - change price scale



  • Dieter Wistuba

    This is a great suggestion, I can only see myself here.

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  • Matt

    Yes, this is badly needed. Especially with all the volatility, sometimes by the time you try to set an order, the DOM has moved

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Guys,

    We're considering some options for this particular improvement.

    One idea we're looking into seriously would be adding some functionality like we currently have in the DOM in our Pulse mobile app.  I'm not sure if you have used that app, but generally, in Pulse with the DOM open, a user is able to "zoom out" on the DOM using a "pinch-type" gesture (and a stretch gesture to zoom back in).

    If implemented, there would be a way for you to do the same on the desktop version using some functions from your mouse.

    I just wanted to get your feedback on that approach as a possible solution?

    Thanks again!

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  • TradrDude

    Sounds good. Yup, I've used the Pulse app and have used that ability to pinch in/out to zoom in/out.

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  • Matt

    Brian - that would be helpful for sure.  I also like how ToS has the little zoom buttons, and the middle one just resets it to default quickly. 

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